LMT- 600 hour Swedish Massage board certified LMT MSG015971
Gold level III Thai Massage therapist - Thai Vedic (Sebastian Bruno)
200hr Thai Massage and Yoga Therapy Training (Anusara) Thailand 2022
Vedic Conservatory (Mukti Michael Buck)
Reiki Master
ZenThaiShiatsu (Gwyn Williams) Multiple Locations 2016 Present
Certified Integrative Nutrition Consultant, Institute of Integrative Nutrition NY, NY 2021
Alkaline Chef 2006- Present
100 hr Budokon yoga Miami 2018
300 hr ashtanga yoga (Dhyana Yoga) Philadelphia 2012
40 hr Joan Hyman (Ashtanga and Iyengar) Advanced Inversion training Philadelphia 2014
150 hr Simon Park (Liquid Flow Yoga Ashtanga and Shiva Rea) France 2016
Marisa started her journey in classical ballet and then came to yoga and Thai bodywork after kyphosis in her thoracic spine made it necessary for her to find a form of physical therapy beyond dance. Discovering the various styles of yoga was a personal pursuit then and now, opting for fusion of systems over just one. It wasn't until 16 years into her yoga journey, teaching and share her love of yoga that she found her love of Thai Bodywork in an advanced training. She experienced the radical healing effect it has on both spirit and physical body. She continued her path to focus on healing with Thai medicine beginning with the teachings of Gwyn Williams, Zen Thai Shiatsu, and continuing to full certification, all three medallions bronze, silver, and gold, under Sebastian Bruno of Thai Vedic. Marisa rounded out her knowledge of healing the mind and body with a certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and is a Licensed Swedish Massage therapist as well, creating an experience for her clients that is truly holistic.
“I am in the service of holding space for individuals so that they may find their inherent shine within. I do so with modalities of, Thai bodywork, yogic movement, energy work, and integrative nutrition. I bring multiple modalities to nurture you into the awareness of your own brilliance.”
Bronze Medallion Teacher
Bronze Medallion Bodywork
Traditional Thai Medicine and Thai Massage Therapy, Somatic Release, Breath Work & Yoga Therapy
Medford NJ, USA